“Under the Sea” — IFComp 2019 Short Review

The plot is nothing terribly involving—a great adventurer discovers uncharted places, learns new skills, and makes fishy friends—but that’s not really the focus of this offering. It gets kind of Zen after a while, life is a dive, time is a blue ocean, the fish looks at you with a calm, almost human demeanor… I admit to being skeptical about the inclusion of the steampunk elements (such as the analytical mobile engine) and that Twitter-related apparent complexities contained in the piece neither added nor detracted from the matter at hand (except for the score, maybe?)

A decent entry, even when including certain problems with the very concept of some of its puzzles—but it comes really close to working just as the author hoped—though using the exploration to frame further the story would have given it more depth. *pun*

Note: The implementation was polished, although I was able to outsmart the analytical engine’s warnings and dive with the paper in my hands, kek.

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